Write conflict message


Specify the message to show if there is a write conflict error when you submit edits from the list to the server.

The Write conflict message definition

What is a Write Conflict?

A write conflict can happen when you try to synchronize data from a client-side list control with data on the server. If the field you are editing on the client has already been edited on the server (say by a third party after your last synchronization occurred) then the field that you altered will no longer match anything existing on the server. In this case it will not be clear where your edit should be placed on the server and a conflict will occur. For a video explanation watch this video on write conflicts.

A write conflict.

In order to view a write conflict first create a list control with a working detail view. After this open the Defined Controls menu on the UX controls page and click on the 'List-Detail View Buttons' option. Add a 'Save' and 'Synchronization' button from the checkbox list of possible buttons. When this is done, open the component in two different browsers at once. In the first browser make a change to a field in the list using the detail view. 'Save' the edit and hit 'Synchronize'. Without closing the first window, view the second browser window. Make a change to the same field that you altered in the first browser, then click 'Save' and 'Synchronize' for this edit. You should get a write conflict message like the one above.